My Sister's Place

My Sister's Place provides services for survivors of domestic violence, including shelter, counseling, court advocacy, case managment, and a 24/7 hotline.

My Sister's Place providers services to anyone experiencing any type of relationship abuse. We have an eleven-bed shelter, for both adults and children. Counseling, court advocacy, and case management can be accessed both inside and outside of shelter. Our 24/7 hotline is answered by a trained staff member who can provide emotional support and referrals, and can provide access to all our services. Shelter residents who have pets in need of safety can bring these animals with them when space in our kennel is available.

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What to Expect

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Free Services Offered - Contact Provider for Details

Populations Served

Families, LGBTQ+ Community

Age Ranges

Teens (13-17), Adults (18-64), Older Adults (65+)

Last Updated 06/14/24
Some information on this page may be out of date. Get in touch with the provider using the contact information above to confirm details listed here.